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Why was the Omega-3 fatty acid DHA chosen for the gummies, and not ALA or EPA?Updated 2 years ago

Our gummies contain DHA from algae oil, as many people's bodies cannot produce DHA efficiently. That is why we have consciously chosen to only process this Omega-3 fatty acid, instead of ALA or EPA. ALA is already converted into EPA and DHA in your body. However, it takes a lot of ALA to make just a little bit of DHA. In addition, we make EPA ourselves from DHA and ALA. For healthy vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians it may be unnecessary to take extra EPA, because with a healthy lifestyle you get enough Omega-3 ALA (which is converted back into EPA). However, if your body does need this, DHA can also be partly converted back into EPA. That means our gummies with DHA are a nice addition to your fatty acid status, whatever your diet.
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